Making Buildings Where Craters Once Stood
05/03/19 — 06/03/19
Nina Elliott, Taylor Ross, Suzanne Silver
Making Buildings Where Craters Once Stood examines the way we construct and deconstruct architectural space through both memory and material.
Architecture has a foot in the future and a foot in the past. All built structures are destined to become piles of rubble, sooner or later. At the same time, a pile of rubble holds the promise of being cleared away and repurposed for a new building. Thus, there is inherent potential in all buildings to become sites for this cyclical transformation into other structures.
But a place is more than the molding of raw materials into architectural form. We construct place in our mind through experience, and commit it to memory. Memory, unlike material, is pliable and fallible.
The show brings together the work of Nina Elliott, Taylor Ross, and Suzanne Silver. These artists reconfigure and recompose architectural elements and building materials into new spaces and forms, exposing the malleability of built environments.
Join us for an opening reception on Saturday, May 4th from 6 - 8 pm.